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Export of polyethylene for water sewage, gas, and industrial fluids.

We can provide a special service for companies and individuals to achieve high results. Our professional team will help us understand your needs and we’ll help you make the best choice

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Our Mission

The first company in Egypt to provide HDPE solutions in all its range. Answering all our client’s wants and needs is our top priority.

Technology and Raw Materials
Developing and improving technology and raw materials used in the water supply, sewage, roof drainage, gas, industrial, and firefighting sectors, alongside the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) sectors. As the world becomes more technologically advanced, we try to stay at the forefront.
HDPE Systems
Providing well-rounded solutions to the HDPE systems that aid different sectors in mega projects and infrastructural projects. Big projects need edgy and tailored solutions. We aim to answer all their needs.
Our Team
Raising the value engineering benchmark provided to projects and clients through the transformation of technical solutions, smart engineering, and cost-efficiency. We understand that there is not a one size fits all solution. With our dedicated team of employees at Epsilon, we work hand in hand with our clients to fit their needs
Raising Performance
Raising the stakeholder share to reflect the company’s performance.
Technical Education
Elevating the technical education provided to those in need of enlightenment regarding HDPE solutions and increasing the performance of engineers and technicians through educational programs, technical courses, and applications available on mobile devices. Education is one factor that will help have an enlightened society. We aim to become the ones who start that process.
Geographic Expansion
Geographic expansion to provide products across the country. We provide our product everywhere, every time.
Revolutionary Technology
Providing new products and revolutionary technology in the water supply, sewage, roof drainage, and gas sector; allowing them to be easily accessible.
Securing Water Resources
Securing water resources through the implementation of new technology. We are dedicated to the well-being of our natural resources. Green solutions are key.
Charitable Contributions
Engaging in charitable contributions and involvement in local projects and charitable projects. We like to give back to our community.
EPSILON Intelligent
Water Systems
To be the first company in the market to implement versatile technological solutions to HDPE systems in projects and to revolutionize sustainable development in products and services provided to its clients.
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